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(Set exception)

(VOIDP)() Setexc( num, newvec )

WORD num;
VOID (*newvec)();

Setexc() allows to read or modify system exception vectors.


5 (0x05)


All TOS versions.


num is the m68k CPU exception vector number you want to redirect.
newvec is the pointer to your new vector handler.


	pea	newvec
	move.w  #num,-(sp)
	move.w  #$05,-(sp)
	trap  #13
	addq.l  #8,sp

Commands and arguments

Passing VEC_INQUIRE (-1) as newvec will return current system exception handler.

CPU exception vectors
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_BUSERROR 0x02 Bus error exception
VEC_ADDRESSERROR 0x03 Address error exception
VEC_ILLEGALINSTRUCTION 0x04 Illegal instruction exception
VEC_DIVIDEBYZERO 0x05 Divide by zero exception
VEC_CHKINST 0x06 CHK instruction exception
VEC_TRAPINST 0x07 TRAPV, FTRAPcc, TRAPcc, cpTRAPcc instruction exception
VEC_PRIVILEGEVIOLATION 0x08 Privilege violation exception
VEC_TRACE 0x09 Trace exception
VEC_LINEA 0x0a Line-A exception
VEC_LINEF 0x0b Line-F exception
VEC_COPROVIOLATION 0x0d Coprocessor protocol violation exception
VEC_FORMATERROR 0x0e Format error exception
VEC_UNINITINTERRUPT 0x0f Uninitialized interrupt exception
VEC_AUTOVECTOR0 0x18 Spurious interrupt
VEC_AUTOVECTOR1 0x19 Autovectorised level 1 interrupt
VEC_AUTOVECTOR2 = VEC_HBL 0x1a Autovectorised level 2 interrupt (HBL)
VEC_AUTOVECTOR3 0x1b Autovectorised level 3 interrupt
VEC_AUTOVECTOR4 = VEC_VBL 0x1c Autovectorised level 4 interrupt (VBL)
VEC_AUTOVECTOR5 0x1d Autovectorised level 5 interrupt
VEC_AUTOVECTOR6 0x1e Autovectorised level 6 interrupt
VEC_AUTOVECTOR7 0x1f Autovectorised level 7 interrupt
VEC_TRAP0 0x20 Trap #0
VEC_TRAP1 = VEC_GEMDOS 0x21 Trap #1 (GemDOS)
VEC_TRAP2 = VEC_GEM 0x22 Trap #2 (AES, VDI)
VEC_TRAP3 0x23 Trap #3
VEC_TRAP4 0x24 Trap #4
VEC_TRAP5 0x25 Trap #5
VEC_TRAP6 0x26 Trap #6
VEC_TRAP7 0x27 Trap #7
VEC_TRAP8 0x28 Trap #8
VEC_TRAP9 0x29 Trap #9
VEC_TRAP10 0x2a Trap #10
VEC_TRAP11 0x2b Trap #11
VEC_TRAP12 0x2c Trap #12
VEC_TRAP13 = VEC_BIOS 0x2d Trap #13 (BIOS)
VEC_TRAP14 = VEC_XBIOS 0x2e Trap #14 (XBIOS)
VEC_TRAP15 0x2f Trap #15

FPU exception vectors
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_FPUUNORDEREDCONDITION 0x30 Branch or set on unordered condition exception
VEC_FPUINEXACT 0x31 Inexact result exception
VEC_FPUDIVIDEBYZERO 0x32 Floating-point divide by zero exception
VEC_FPUUNDERFLOW 0x33 Underflow exception
VEC_FPUOPERANDERROR 0x34 Operand error exception
VEC_FPUOVERFLOW 0x35 Overflow exception
VEC_FPUSIGNAN 0x36 Signaling NAN exception

PMMU exception vectors
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_PMMUCONFIGERROR 0x38 Configuration error exception
VEC_PMMUILLEGAL 0x39 Illegal operation exception
VEC_PMMUACCESSVIOLATION 0x3a Access violation exception

MFP #0 exception vectors
Note: The default vector base value can be set in MFP Vector Register. TOS sets it so the base vector is 0x40.
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_MFP0_0 = VEC_PARALLEL 0x40 MFP interrupt #0 (GPIP pin #0, Parallel port receive)
VEC_MFP0_1 0x41 MFP interrupt #1 (GPIP pin #1, RS-232 carrier detect)
VEC_MFP0_2 0x42 MFP interrupt #2 (GPIP pin #2, RS-232 clear to send)
VEC_MFP0_3 = VEC_BLITTER 0x43 MFP interrupt #3 (GPIP pin #3, Blitter operation complete)
VEC_MFP0_4 = VEC_TIMERD 0x44 MFP interrupt #4 (Timer D, RS-232 baud rate generator)
VEC_MFP0_5 = VEC_TIMERC 0x45 MFP interrupt #5 (Timer C, 200hz system clock)
VEC_MFP0_6 = VEC_ACIA 0x46 MFP interrupt #6 (GPIP pin #4, ACIA receive)
VEC_MFP0_7 = VEC_DISKDMA 0x47 MFP interrupt #7 (GPIP pin #5, Floppy, hard disk DMA)
VEC_MFP0_8 = VEC_TIMERB 0x48 MFP interrupt #8 (Timer B, HBL)
VEC_MFP0_9 0x49 MFP interrupt #9 (RS-232 transmit error)
VEC_MFP0_10 0x4a MFP interrupt #10 (RS-232 transmit buffer error)
VEC_MFP0_11 0x4b MFP interrupt #11 (RS-232 receive error)
VEC_MFP0_12 0x4c MFP interrupt #12 (RS-232 receive buffer error)
VEC_MFP0_13 = VEC_TIMERA 0x4d MFP interrupt #13 (Timer A, audio DMA)
VEC_MFP0_14 0x4e MFP interrupt #14 (GPIP pin #6, RS-232 ring indicator)
VEC_MFP0_15 0x4f MFP interrupt #15 (GPIP pin #7, Monochrome monitor)

MFP #1 exception vectors
Note: The default vector base value can be set in MFP Vector Register. TOS sets it so the base vector is 0x50. This second MFP is only present on TT machines.
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_MFP1_0 0x50 MFP interrupt #0 (GPIP pin #0)
VEC_MFP1_1 0x51 MFP interrupt #1 (GPIP pin #1)
VEC_MFP1_2 0x52 MFP interrupt #2 (GPIP pin #2, SCC DMA complete)
VEC_MFP1_3 0x53 MFP interrupt #3 (GPIP pin #3, RS-232 ring indicator)
VEC_MFP1_4 0x54 MFP interrupt #4 (Timer D, RS-232 baud rate generator)
VEC_MFP1_5 0x55 MFP interrupt #5 (Timer C, SCC TRxCB)
VEC_MFP1_6 0x56 MFP interrupt #6 (GPIP pin #4)
VEC_MFP1_7 0x57 MFP interrupt #7 (GPIP pin #5, SCSI DMA complete)
VEC_MFP1_8 0x58 MFP interrupt #8 (Timer B)
VEC_MFP1_9 0x59 MFP interrupt #9 (RS-232 transmit error)
VEC_MFP1_10 0x5a MFP interrupt #10 (RS-232 transmit buffer error)
VEC_MFP1_11 0x5b MFP interrupt #11 (RS-232 receive error)
VEC_MFP1_12 0x5c MFP interrupt #12 (RS-232 receive buffer error)
VEC_MFP1_13 0x5d MFP interrupt #13 (Timer A)
VEC_MFP1_14 0x5e MFP interrupt #14 (GPIP pin #6, Real time clock)
VEC_MFP1_15 0x5f MFP interrupt #15 (GPIP pin #7, SCSI controller)

SCC exception vectors
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_SCC_B_TBE 0x60 SCC Port B transmit buffer empty
VEC_SCC_B_ESC 0x62 SCC Port B external status change
VEC_SCC_B_RCA 0x64 SCC Port B receive character available
VEC_SCC_B_SRC 0x66 SCC Port B special receive condition
VEC_SCC_A_TBE 0x68 SCC Port A transmit buffer empty
VEC_SCC_A_ESC 0x6a SCC Port A external status change
VEC_SCC_A_RCA 0x6c SCC Port A receive character available
VEC_SCC_A_SRC 0x6e SCC Port A special receive condition

System exception vectors
num (name) num (value) Vector
VEC_TIMER 0x100 System timer (etv_timer)
VEC_CRITICALERROR 0x101 Critical error handler (etv_critic)
VEC_TERMINATE 0x102 Process terminate handler (etv_term)

Return Value

The (VOIDP)() value is the previous function pointer to the system vector.


m68k CPU has predefined exception vectors, like bus error, illegal instruction, division by zero, and so on. For example, the bus error exception is the #2 exception. Virtual memory managers redirect it to a custom routine to swap needed memory in.

If you need to redirect some vectors in your program, beware to restore them upon exit, or the system will crash. If you make a TSR program, you must use XBRA? protocol to ensure your vector will not be deleted by some other programs. Last but not least, redirecting system vectors under a mutitasking OS like MiNT is definitely not recommended, and should be avoided.

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