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display/display.h File Reference

Display manager. More...

#include <op.h>

Data Structures

struct  display


void init_display_driver ()
void show_display (display *d)
void hide_display ()
void wait_display_refresh ()
void jump_gpu_subroutine (void *addr)



Detailed Description

Display manager.

Function Documentation

void hide_display  ) 

Hide display

void init_display_driver  ) 

Initialises the display driver and the GPU subroutine manager.

void jump_gpu_subroutine void *  addr  ) 

Call a GPU subroutine in GPU ram.

addr  Address of the subroutine

void show_display display d  ) 

Show the given display.

d  display to be displayed

void wait_display_refresh  ) 

Wait for the refresh of the current display to be completed. If there is no active display, this will enter a deadlock.

This synchronisation mechanism is useful if you use functions that manipulate the active display (especially sort_display_layer).

For this synchronisation mechanism to really work, you should have first initialised interrupts with init_interrupts since it uses the vblCounter variable.

Variable Documentation


Free GPU ram is available at &_GPU_FREE_RAM.

Generated on Wed Jan 10 03:11:03 2007 for The Removers Libraries by  doxygen 1.4.4