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interrupt/interrupt.h File Reference

Interrupts management. More...


#define VBL_QUEUE_SIZE   8


typedef void(* irq_handler )(void)


void init_interrupts ()
void vsync ()
void set_timer (long count, irq_handler handler)
void clear_timer ()


irq_handler vblQueue [VBL_QUEUE_SIZE]
unsigned short int volatile vblCounter

Detailed Description

Interrupts management.

Define Documentation

#define VBL_QUEUE_SIZE   8

Size of the VBL queue

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* irq_handler)(void)

Type of an interrupt handler.

Function Documentation

void clear_timer  ) 

Clear timer interrupt

void init_interrupts  ) 

Initialise interrupts.

void set_timer long  count,
irq_handler  handler

Set timer interrupt

void vsync  ) 

Wait for the next VBL.

Variable Documentation

unsigned short int volatile vblCounter

VBL counter.

irq_handler vblQueue[VBL_QUEUE_SIZE]

Array of interrupt handlers to be executed each VBL.

Generated on Wed Jan 10 03:11:03 2007 for The Removers Libraries by  doxygen 1.4.4