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The IKDB Bible


Stephane Catala - Belzebub / ST Connexion
STMagazine No 53 - 55

Compiled by Tobe / MJJPROD
Original file found at
Please submit any comment/correction/suggestion to tobe [at] freemind-tobe [dot] com

Memory Map

Range Description
$0000-$001F Internal registers
$0080-$00FF Internal RAM (128 bytes)
$F000-$FFFF Internal ROM (4096 bytes)


Address Size Name & Description
$FFF0 W SCI - Serial Communication Interface
$FFF2 W TOF - Timer Overflow Flag
$FFF4 W OCF - Output Compare Flag
$FFF6 W ICF - Input Capture Flag
$FFFA W SWI - Software Interrupt
$FFFC W NMI - Non Maskable Interrupt

Internal Registers

Data Registers

Address Size Mnemo Description Access
$0000 B DDR1 Direction Data Register 1 RW
$0001 B DDR2 Direction Data Register 2 RW
$0002 B DR1 Data Register 1 RW
$0003 B DR2 Data Register 2 RW
$0004 B DDR3 Direction Data Register 3 RW
$0005 B DDR4 Direction Data Register 4 RW
$0006 B DR3 Data Register 3 RW
$0007 B DR4 Data Register 4 RW

16bit Timer

Address Size Mnemo Description Access
$0008 B TCSR Timer Control/Status Register RW
$0009-A W FRC Free Running Counter R0
$000B-C W OCR Output Compare Register RW
$000D-E W ICR Input Capture Register R0
$000F B CSR Unused Control/Status Register for DR3 SC1/SC2

Serial Communication Interface

Address Size Mnemo Description Access
$0010 B RMCR Rate & Mode Control Register RW
$0011 B TRCSR Transmit/Receive Control & Status Register RW
$0012 B RDR Receive Data Register R0
$0013 B TDR Transmit Data Register W0

RAM Control

Address Size Mnemo Description Access
$0014 B RCR RAM Control Register RW

1 - Data Registers

There's four data registers, each bit of each data register can be set to read or write by the associated control register:

For example, %11100000 in the control register mean:

If you read the data register, you will get only the values of bits [0-4].
If you write the data register, you will modify only the values of bits [5-7].

1.1 - Data Register 1

This register is mapped to the keyboard's matrix lines. (See keyboard table). The associated control register (DDR1) is set to all input (%00000000). (see DR3, DR4, keyboard handling)

1.2 - Data Register 2

1.3 - Data Register 3

Bits 1-7 are mapped to the first seven keyboard's matrix rows. (see keyboard table).
The associated control register (DDR3) is set to all output (%11111111). (see DR1, DR4, keyboard handling)

1.4 - Data Register 4

Bits 0-7 are mapped to the next height keyboard's matrix rows. (see keyboard table).
The associated control register (DDR4) is set to all output (%11111111). This register is also used to read joysticks directions, for this you need to select the 74LS244 by setting the bit 0 of DR2 to 0, on output, then turn the DDR4 to all input (%00000000). The four directions of each joystick are then readable on bits [0-3] and [4-7]. (see DR1, DR3, keyboard handling)


The 6301 communicate with the ACIA trought the bits 3 and 4 of DR2. The SCI is made of four registers.

2.1 - RDR - Receive Data Register

This register contains the byte received from the ACIA. The bit 3 of TRCSR must be set to 0, to set the bit 3 of DR2 to input.
When a byte is received, the bit 7 of TRCSR is set, and a interrupt is fired if the bit 4 of TRCSR is set to 1.
The SCI can't receive more byte until you read TRCSR then RDR. It's mean next bytes are lost.

2.2 - TDR - Transmit Data Registers

This register contains the byte to be transimtted to the ACIA. The bit 1 of TRCSR must be set to 1, to set the bit 4 of DR2 to output.
Once the byte is transmitted, the bit 5 of TRCSR is set to 1, and a interrupt is fired if the bit 2 of TRCSR is set to 1.

2.3 - TRCSR - Transmit/Receive Control & Status Register

This register control the communications.

2.4 - RMCR - Rate & Mode Control Register

The serial speed MUST be set to 7812.5 on Atari ST.

Bits 0 and 1 control the serial speed:

Bits 2 and 3 select the clock:


The timer can generate interrupts. It's made of four registers.

3.1 - FRC - 16 bit Free Running Counter

This register is read-only.
This counter is incremented at each clock cycle (1 Mhz). When it reach $FFFF, the bit 5 of TCSR is set to 1, and the interrupt TOF is fired if the bit 2 of TCSR is set to 1. Then the value of the counter is set to 0.
After a reset, the value is set to 0.

3.2 - ICR - 16 bit Input Capture Register

This register is read-only.
It contains the value of FRC register at the last transition of the bit 0 of DR2. It computes the timing between two external events.
When the value of FRC is catched, the bit 7 of TCSR is set to 1, and an interrupt ICF is fired if the bit 4 of TCSR is set to 1.

3.3 - OCR - 16 bit Output Compare Register

When the value of FRC is equal to the value of OCR, the bit 6 of TCSR is set to 1 and an interrupt OCF is generated if the bit 3 of TSCR is set to 1. Also, the bit 0 of TCSR is sent to the bit 1 of DR2, if set to output.
After a reset, the value is set to $FFFF.

3.4 - TCSR - Timer Control & Status Register


This register control the internal RAM:


5.1 - Reading a key state

5.2 - keyboard map

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 98 97 99 101
1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 14 72 100 102
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 41 83 71 103 105
3 15 17 19 21 22 24 26 82 75 104 74
4 29 16 18 20 34 23 25 27 43 80 106 108
5 42 30 31 33 35 36 38 39 28 77 107 78
6 56 96 32 46 48 37 51 52 40 109 110 111
7 54 44 45 47 49 50 57 58 53 112 113 114

6301 Registers

The Hitachi 6301 is made of 7 registers :

The SR register:

6301 Addressing Modes

Mode Example Result Comment
Implicit CLRA, A=#0
Immediat (8 bits) LDAA #$FF, A=#$FF 8 bits register
Immediat (16 bits) LDD #$FFFF D=#$FFFF 16 bits register
Direct LDAA $0F, A=($0F) for 8 bits adresses
Extended LDAA $1000, A=($1000) for 16 bits adresses
Indexed LDAA X,$FF, A=(X+$FF) index + 8 bits immediat unsigned
Relative BRA Label, PC=PC+#$8 signed displacement

6301 Instruction Set Summary

Registers & Memory Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
CLR 6F 7F ..0100 M=0
CLRA 4F ..0100 A=0
CLRB 5F ..0100 B=0
LDAA 86 96 A6 B6 ..**0. A=M
LDAB C6 D6 E6 F6 ..**0. B=M
LDS 8E 9E AE BE ..**0. S=MM
PSHA 36 ...... (SP)=A,SP-
PSHB 37 ...... (SP)=B,SP-
PSHX 3C ...... (SP)=X,SP-
PULA 36 ...... SP+,A=(SP)
PULB 37 ...... SP+,B=(SP)
PULX 38 ...... SP+,X=(SP)
STAA 97 A7 B7 ..**0. M=A
STAB D7 E7 F7 ..**0. M=B
STD DD ED FD ..**0. MM=D
STS 9F AF BF ..**0. MM=S
STX DF EF FF ..**0. MM=X
TAB 16 ..**0. B=A
TAP 06 ****** S=A
TBA 17 ..**0. A=B
TPA 07 ...... A=S

Arithmetic Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
ABA 1B *.**** B=B+A
ABX 3A ...... X=X+B (B unsigned)
ADCA 89 99 A9 B9 *.**** A=A+M+C
ADCB C9 D9 E9 F9 *.**** B=B+M+C
ADDA 8B 9B AB BB *.**** A=A+M
ADDD C3 D3 E3 F3 ..**** D=D+MM
DAA 19 ..**** A=BCD(A)
DEC 6A 7A ..***. M=M-1
DECA 4A ..***. A=A-1
DECB 5A ..***. B=B-1
DES 34 ...... S=S-1
DEX 09 ...*.. X=X-1
INC 6C 7C ..***. M=M+1
INCA 4C ..***. A=A+1
INCB 5C ..***. B=B+1
INS 31 ...... S=S+1
INX 08 ...*.. X=X+1
MUL 3D .....* D=A*B
NEG 60 70 ..**** M=-M
NEGA 40 ..**** A=-A
NEGB 50 ..**** B=-B
SBA 10 ..**** A=A-B
SBCA 82 92 A2 B2 ..**** A=A-M-C
SBCB C2 D2 E2 F2 ..**** B=B-M-C
SUBA 80 90 A0 B0 ..**** A=A-M
SUBB C0 D0 E0 F0 ..**** B=B-M
SUBD 83 93 A3 B3 ..**** D=D-MM

Logical Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
ANDA 84 94 A4 B4 ..**0. A=A&M
ANDB C4 D4 E4 F4 ..**0. B=B&M
EORA 88 98 A8 B8 ..**0. A=A^M
EORB C8 D8 E8 F8 ..**0. B=B^M
NOT 63 73 ..**01 M=~M
NOTA 43 ..**01 A=~A
NOTB 53 ..**01 B=~B
ORAA 8A 9A AA BA ..**0. A=A M

Shift & Rotate Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
ASR 67 77 ..**** M=M>>1
ASRA 47 ..**** A=A>>1
ASRB 57 ..**** B=B>>1
LSL 68 78 ..**** M=M<<1
LSLA 48 ..**** A=A<<1
LSLB 58 ..**** B=B<<1
LSLD 05 ..**** D=D<<1
LSR 64 74 ..0*** M=M>>1
LSRA 44 ..0*** A=A>>1
LSRB 54 ..0*** B=B>>1
LSRD 04 ..0*** D=D>>1
ROL 69 79 ..**** M=M<<1+C (C is previous carry)
ROLA 49 ..**** A=A<<1+C (C is previous carry)
ROLB 59 ..**** B=B<<1+C (C is previous carry)
ROR 66 76 ..**** M=M>>1+C<<8 (C is previous carry)
RORA 46 ..**** A=A>>1+C<<8 (C is previous carry)
RORB 56 ..**** B=B>>1+C<<8 (C is previous carry)

Test & Compare Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
BITA 85 95 A5 B5 ..**0. A&M
BITB C5 D5 E5 F5 ..**0. B&M
CBA 11 ..**** B-A
CMPA 81 91 A1 B1 ..**** A-M
CMPB C1 D1 E1 F1 ..**** B-M
CPX 8C 9C AC BC ..**** X-MM
TST 6D 7D ..**00 M-0
TSTA 4D ..**00 A-0
TSTB 5D ..**00 B-0

Status Register Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
CLC 0C .....0 C=0
CLI 0E .0.... I=0
CLV 0A ....0. V=0
SEC 0D .....1 C=1
SEI 0F .1.... I=1
SEV 0B ....1. V=1

Branching Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
BCC 24 ...... if C=0 then PC=PC+M
BCS 25 ...... if C=1 then PC=PC+M
BEQ 27 ...... if Z=1 then PC=PC+M
BGE 2C ...... if N^V=0 then PC=PC+M
BGT 2E ...... if Z (N^V) then PC=PC+M
BHI 22 ...... if C Z=0 then PC=PC+M
BLE 2F ...... if Z (N^V)=1 then PC=PC+M
BLS 23 ...... if C Z=1 then PC=PC+M
BLT 2D ...... if N^V=1 then PC=PC+M
BMI 2B ...... if N=1 then PC=PC+M
BNE 26 ...... if Z=0 then PC=PC+M
BPL 2A ...... if N=0 then PC=PC+M
BVC 28 ...... if V=0 then PC=PC+M
BVS 29 ...... if V=1 then PC=PC+M
BRA 20 ...... PC=PC+M
BRN 21 ...... PC=PC+0
BSR 8D ...... (SP)=PC,SP-,PC=PC+M
JMP 6E 7E ...... PC=MM
JSR 9D AD BD ...... (SP)=PC,SP-,PC=PC+M

Other Instructions

Mnemo Imp Rel Imm Dir Ind Ext HINZVC Fonction
NOP 01 ......
RTI 3B ****** Ret Interrupt
RTS 39 ...... Ret
SWI 3F .1.... PC=SWI
WAI 3E ...... PC=PC-1

Additional Instructions (6301 only)

Mnemo Op Imp Function
AND #x,M 71 M=M&x
OR #x,M 72 M=M x
EOR #x,M 75 M=M^x
BIT #x,M 7B M&x

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