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memalign/memalign.h File Reference

Auxiliary function to allocate aligned blocks of memory. More...

#include <stdlib.h>

Data Structures

struct  mblock


mblockmemalign (size_t boundary, size_t size)

Detailed Description

Auxiliary function to allocate aligned blocks of memory.

Function Documentation

mblock* memalign size_t  boundary,
size_t  size

Allocate a block of memory with the malloc function and returns a mblock.

The mblock::addr field of the mblock returned is the address of a buffer aligned to a multiple of boundary.

The length of the aligned buffer is size.

To deallocate a mblock and the corresponding buffer, you must use the free function on the mblock.

boundary  power of two that specifies the alignment of the buffer
size  size of the allocated buffer

Generated on Wed Jan 10 03:11:03 2007 for The Removers Libraries by  doxygen 1.4.4