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Guide to formatting rules

The formatting rules for Wakka differ slightly from other Wikis. (See for example the formatting rules of WikiWikiWeb, the first known Wiki.)
Any text placed between two sets of double quotes, " , will be presented as is (2 " text as is 2 ").

You can make your own tests in the SandBox: it is a place made for it.

Basic rules :
**Text in bold!** ---> Text in bold!
//Text in italics.// ---> Text in italics.
Text __underlined__ ! ---> Text underlined !
Text @@strikethrough@@ ! ---> Text strikethrough !
##monospaced text## ---> monospaced text
%%(php) PHP code%%
%%(delphi) code delphi/pascal%%

Unformatted text :
To prevent Wikini from interpreting the formatting tags it recognizes in the text, enclose the text by a pair of double quotes. For __exemple__, this **text** @@contains@@ the %%tags%% recognized by Wikini that are //not// interpreted as it is framed by a pair of **double quotes** as __you__ can see :)

Two other uses :
  • write HTML directly in the wikini - for example the tables... ;-) - Since what is returned is still interpreted by the rendering engine of Mozilla.
  • display logs / shell scripts by adding the tag <pre> and </ pre> which will be interpreted to display the text unchanged by the browser (provided there is no double quotation mark inside). This allows content to be in full rather than in a box, code that has a fixed size (unlike the feature phpBB2 tagged with [code] and [/ code])

  • Links:
    To display an active web link (url), just enter the url as it is seen in any web browser, for example

    Forced Links :
    [[ My-site]]
    [[P2P Page on P2P]]

    Wikipedia Links :
    [[WikiPedia:Graphical_Environment_Manager GEM]]

    Headings :
    ====== Enormous Heading ======

    Enormous Heading

    ===== Very Large Heading =====

    Very Large Heading

    ==== Large Heading ====

    Large Heading

    === Normal Heading ===

    Normal Heading

    == Small Heading ==
    Small Heading

    Forced line break:
    To force a newline to be displayed, or the text following it to be printed on a new line, three minus signs(3 "-") can be used:

    To display a horizontal separator, just type in at least four minus signs (4 "-"). Anything beyond 4 consecutive dashes has the same effect.

    The indentation of text is done by pressing TAB. You can also create bulleted or numbered :
    - bullet list
    1) numbered list
    A) numbered list (capital letters)
    a) numbered list (lowercase letters)
    i) numbered list (Roman numerals)
    You can also indent text using space characters instead of pasting a tab character, in most cases eight(8) spaces will give the same alignmen. The below examples were done with spaces, but be careful not to mix "TAB" and spaces in the same list.
    - bullet list
    1) numbered list
    A) numbered list (capital letters)
    a) numbered list (lowercase letters)
    i) numbered list (Roman numerals)

    Note : because of a bug in its rendering engine, lists, using the TAB key, does not work (yet) in Mozilla.

    To create a table, two (2) pipe characters | must be place before the first table row, or header row, and after the last row. The double pipes can be indented as outline above. Each row should contain tab separated column data. For example the following Wikini code produces the table below it.

    **Name** **Wakka** **Wiki**
    ##**======**## ##<h6>## Sixth level indented heading
    ##**=====**## ##<h5>## Fifth level indented heading
    ##**====**## ##<h4>## Fourth level indented heading
    ##**===**## ##<h3>## Thrid level indented heading
    ##**==**## ##<h2>## Second level heading
    ##**=**## ##=## Top level heading

    Name Wakka WikiPedia?
    ====== <h6> Sixth level indented heading
    ===== <h5> Fifth level indented heading
    ==== <h4> Fourth level indented heading
    === <h3> Thrid level indented heading
    == <h2> Second level heading
    = = Top level heading

    The following Wikini code produces the same layout as the html pre tag, which can also be indented:

    move.l #-2,d0
    trap #2


    	move.l	#-2,d0
    	trap	#2

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